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Stay connected with King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) wherever you are.


directory: Search the KAUST directory for Faculty, Staff and Administrators. Call, email or save their contact details directly into your phone.

events: Access the latest academic & community calendars including: seminars, recreational events and movies.

courses: Investigate the course catalog for this teaching semester, including course descriptions, instructors details and class times.

maps: Find out where you are and where you need to go across the campus

news: Get the latest headlines, and breaking research news straight to your phone
emergency: For both on campus and off campus emergencies & important contact numbers, contact the right centers directly.

library: Browse the Library catalog and directly reserve your books and digital content.

learn: For enrolled students & teaching faculty, access your Blackboard course content on the go. Engage with discussion forums, view mid semester grades and check in on latest course content and announcements.

schools: Access the KAUST Schools website to view the latest activities and events

thelens: Local access to the community announcements and events

KAUST: Access the university home website

alumni: Access your alumni portal